The Clubhouse is positioned and planned to provide members and the course “starter” with connection to the first tee plus have a commanding outlook over the majority of the course. 

Within the club membership there was also a desire that there be a visual connection from the clubhouse to the distant seascape. 

With the club having been located in the Orewa/Red Beach area for decades and with many members coming from the area we have made every endeavor to make this connection by using the elevated location. 

The new clubhouse will be a two-storey structure however the intent is for the building to generally appear as a single storey from reducing its apparent scale in the landscape. 

Influenced by ‘Bridgehampton Golf Course – New York', the members wanted a very modern building constructed in materials, which would endure with minimal maintenance. 

Beyond the basic accommodation needs, the form of the building and placement of rooms needed to address aspects of wind, rain, sunlight and outlook, connections with key aspects of the golf course and potential for other activities not necessarily associated with playing golf – social activities like weddings, functions, meetings etc. 

The lower floor is inserted into the landform, significantly “buried” under the first floor/main floor level with the ground rising to envelop much of the lower level.

The floor is divided into three parts.

The entrance lobby and passage connects the car park (north face) to the function area (south face), which consists of the member’s lounge, function room, pro shop and associated offices.

This area opens to the wide veranda, which has extensive views of the golf course to the south, east and west.

On this south face of the building there is an additional small cafĂ©, which serves food and refreshments direct to the veranda area for the benefit of players on the course. 

Building Form – the overall form of the building is broken into two parts in order to reduce the apparent bulk of the building.

Each part has a mono pitched roof sloping to the south in order to maximise the opportunity to allow direct sunlight into the building during the winter and to minimise reflection of light from the roof.

Large overhangs are also employed to cast shadow over the buildings walls, particularly in summer to reduce heat gain.


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