One aim of this blog site is to provide Peninsula Golf Club members with an opportunity for meaningful discussions and debate.

This page …. COMMENTS: …. allows all Peninsula Golf Club members a chance to share their balanced inputs to this conversation about the move to Wainui.

Published inputs will be restricted to bona fide financial members of PENINSULA GOLF CLUB.

Note….. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted for publication.

Obviously all comments will need to be subject to scrutiny by moderators prior to being published.


The difficulties associated with typing or copying any lengthy script into a restricted sized COMMENTS box can resolved by pre-formatting your intended content within an Email or MS Word document.

To enhance readability, avoid tightly spaced typing and utilise lots of paragraph breaks.

Always use spelling check, then critique your finished item for appearance and visual impact.

When satisfied, 'copy and paste' your remarks into the COMMENTS box

(This method also allows you to conveniently save yourself a copy for future reference)


nznative said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I would like to congratulate you on your blog site, well done for all the hard & effective work.