Wainui 18

The 18-hole championship course is set in an iconic New Zealand rural back drop. The course is cut through rolling hills, natural water ways and is framed by 80-year-old statement pines and precise bunkering.
This Puddicombe designed course offers golfers of all levels pristine golf surfaces, five tee deck options, varied shot options from the tee with multiple layup areas all on sand capped fairways. 
Wainui is a world class facility a world away and only 20 minutes from downtown Auckland.

Hole by Hole guide to Wainui 18

Mike Duncumb – Wainui Head Professional 

Mike Duncumb plays an approach shot to the Par 4 WAINUI Hole #15

Like all great courses Wainui gives you many different shot options, whether it be from the tee, laying up on one of our challenging par fives or playing from one of the green side swales.

There is something for everyone with five different tee decks catering for every level of golfer.

Artwork designed and supplied by Ritchie Golf

WAINUI Hole #1 – Par 4

Offers a straight away downhill Par 4 with a generous landing area.
A drive just short of the right hand side fairway bunker offers the best angle into the green. Careful club selection for your second will stop the ball on a narrow green sloping from front to back.

WAINUI Hole #2 – Par 4

With an undulating fairway and a hazard up the entire left hand side, there is a premium on an accurate tee shot aimed down the right hand side.
From here you with have a medium iron into an elevated green guarded by front left bunkering.

WAINUI Hole #3 – Par 3

The first of our par threes is a downhill shot to a green protected by swales and run off areas both front right and long left. 
Any shot left short of the green but online has a good chance of running aboard favouring the left hand side.

WAINUI Hole #4 – Par 5

This par five offers a decision off the tee, try and carry the large fairway bunker on the left hand side and play your second from the upper level, or play safe to right but be left with a blind second shot.
There are fairway bunkers positioned up the right hand side to catch second and third shots drifting right. The large green is guarded by a front bunker and a large run off at the back of the green.

WAINUI Hole #5 – Par 4

A straight away hole with two left hand side fairway bunkers and a bank on the right hand side.
A tee shot positioned short of the bunkers on the left, leaves a mid-iron to the green. 
The green has a false front and swale that needs to be carried with the second shot.

WAINUI Hole #6 – Par 5

From tee there are fairway bunkers either side of the fairway, a straight tee shot will kick forward over the brow of the hill, leaving two options.

Either a mid-iron layup down the left hand side to open up the green or have a go in two but a bunker 50 metres out from the green and two swales and run off areas will leave challenging shots if out of position.

WAINUI Hole #7 – Par 4

Dogleg left, club selection is important off this tee,
Tee shots must favour the left side and get as close to the end of the fairway as possible. 
There are two large green side traps that need to be carried to reach a back pin position.

WAINUI Hole #8 – Par 3

Water must be carried to land a ball on this green. There is a bunker positioned front middle which needs to be avoided.
Behind the greens falls away to a hazard. 
The green has two levels split either side of the bunker.

WAINUI Hole #9 – Par 4

This hole is a dogleg right, with fairway bunkering on the corner of the dogleg and a lake on the left hand side.
The second shot is a mid-iron to an elevated green with a false front and three different levels. 

WAINUI Hole #10 – Par 4

The ideal line off the tee is at the power pole behind the green, best to err to the left side as the rough is very heavy to the right.
Second shot needs precise distance control to keep the ball on the correct side of the ridge that runs through the green.

WAINUI Hole #11 – Par 3

This par 3 plays downhill so club selection is vital. A hazard borders the hole to the left so favouring the right side is always safest.

The green has a ridge running through the middle, being on the right side of it will lead to an easier putt.

WAINUI Hole #12 – Par 4

Proving to be the most difficult hole on the course demands an accurate tee shot to the left of the large pine tree that sits on the right side of the fairway.
After the tee shot leaves an approach from 150-200m to the green. The green has a ridge running across the middle and a bunker short left.

WAINUI Hole #13 – Par 5

Accuracy is key here on all three shots, a hazard up the entire left side of the hole means centre right on the tee shot is recommended.
The second shot demands even more focus as the out of bounds right comes into play. Once in position it leaves a short iron to a table top green.
The green has gentle slopes so rewards any ball on the green in regulation.

WAINUI Hole #14 – Par 5

This tee shot requires the ball to be moved right to left. Good tee shots will benefit from additional 40 metres of run.
The second shot requires careful thought as to where you are going to lay up.
Hazards on both sides mean an accurate shot is required. The third shot can be anything from 5 iron through to sand wedge, the longer the third the more the trees guarding the green come into play. A fairly level green with a ridge running across the green makes for a good birdie opportunity. 

WAINUI Hole #15 – Par 4

Accuracy rather than length is vital; a well-positioned tee shot will leave an approach of 100 metres to a green with two swales.
The green is difficult to putt on so staying below the hole will give you the best opportunity to make a birdie. 

WAINUI Hole #16 – Par 4

The tee shot is semi blind so the line is the centre of the clubhouse in the distance.
A hazard left and long rough on the right means an accurate tee shot is required. The green is offset to the right so distance control is vital for the approach shot.
The green falls off to the left so the right side is a little easier to play from.

WAINUI Hole #17 – Par 3

A downhill par 3 that plays one club shorter than the distance suggests.
The only miss to avoid is long which falls away to a water hazard. The green is mostly flat with subtle slopes.

WAINUI Hole #18 – Par 4

A large lake in front of the tee needs to be avoided. The fairway is very generous with fairway bunkers used to aim at.
The green is elevated and has two distinct levels. If you can get the ball on the right level a birdie is on offer.

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