The letter below is a copy of the the first official notice mailed to Peninsula Golf Club members to advise them of what has since transpired to be a "TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE" offer.
The original proposition was to swap the existing golf course at Red Beach for a brand new purpose built golf facility at Wainui, to be completed by May 2013.  

And to.... 

Remain on the current course until the new course is completed. Walk off / Walk on.


Information Memorandum for sale & relocation of the golf club


The Peninsula Golf Club story

The Peninsula Golf Club was started following a meeting called on 21 May 1955 to investigate the formation of a Golf Club for Silverdale and the surrounding Districts. 

The original land purchased comprised 3 farms and a total of 106 acres. 

The only way to pay for the new course was to subdivide land off the road boundaries into 64 sections, which then enabled the Course to be laid out in the centre.

The first AGM was held in April 1956 and there were 193 members in the first year who became the foundation members. 

In 1957 the first 9 holes were opened and by 1958 there were 18 holes in play. 

The original course was built by the members, using every form of farm machinery available, with working bees being the order of the day. 

By 1962, permanent greens and tees had been constructed also.

The history of the Club has many examples of great devotion and sacrifice, leading to what is now the Peninsula Golf Club.

Improving the course

In 1999 the Club adopted the ‘Pitman Master Plan’ as a means to improve the existing Course into an 18 hole facility built to United States Golf Association standards. 

The time frame for completion of the Pitman Plan was 2012, the cost to be paid for by land sales and yearly surpluses. 

However, by 2007 $3.2m had been spent and only 7 holes completed, together with the Driving Range and short game area. 

This left the Club with less than half the redevelopment completed and no remaining funds to use.

Therefore, improving the facilities to the desired standard was going to require a significant change. 

The offer to sell the Club’s existing site was not an easy decision for some members, but the future of the Club required a decision to be made as to whether we should stay or go.

A new course at Wainui

The decision to move to Wainui and sell our existing site was made a lot easier when the Club considered the following:

Benefits of the move to Wainui:

  1. The new course will be built at no cost to the members.
  2. It is being built as a Club course but with the length to test the best. It will have 5 tees per hole, so will accommodate all golfers of varying abilities.
  3. It is designed to speed up playing time while accommodating more players.
  4. It will include a cart path that will offer year-round access.
  5. All the greens, tees, and sand based fairways will be completely new and built to the latest specifications (including a comprehensive irrigation system).
  6. The move will provide considerable new funds for the Club, which may enable the Club to look seriously at capping subs for our present members and offering other membership benefits which will advantage our existing members.
  7. Facilities at the new course will include a number of other opportunities that we currently have neither the space nor the funds to build on the present site. A new practice facility and a 9 hole par 3 course are included both for fun and for learning.
  8. The new clubhouse with modern amenities will be designed to accommodate both the members and private functions.
  9. For our members who live on the North Shore and South, easy access off the motorway at the Wainui interchange when it is built.

Drawbacks to staying at Red Beach:

  1. We will continue to play on a course which is currently closed for between 15 and 20 days a year because of flooding.
  2. The small size of the course restricts the numbers that can play and slows play as well.
  3. The Club is faced with having to find funding and going into debt to continue with the Pitman Plan as well as on-going maintenance and upgrading many of the current holes.
  4. We will have to replace the existing clubhouse in the future as well as to continue to maintain it.
  5. Cart access is restricted to six months of the year.
  6. We have a declining membership and green fee revenue.
  7. There is no room for expansion.
  8. Continued increases in annual subscriptions to cover rising costs and maintenance of machinery, equipment and buildings.
The move to Wainui will not only improve the Club’s facilities more rapidly than we can hope to do under our own steam, but it will also radically improve the experience of playing golf at the Club beyond what we can achieve at the current site, and safeguard the future of the Club.




1956  -  1981

COMMITTEE 1956                                               COMMITTEE 1981

Mr W Funnell             President           Mr G M Fairgray       President      
Mr A Tyler-Davies     Captain              Mr J P McPhee         Vice President
Mr T M Butts             Secretary           Mr H K Gibson          Vice President
Mr D Boocock                                      Mr A Ogilvy              Captain
Mr J Hall                                              Mr M Cambie            Vice Captain
Mr D Bawden                                      Mr P E Thomas
Mr H W Couldrey                                Mr L Finer
Mrs W Tyler-Davies                            Mr D Healy
Mrs M Hall                                           Mr R Hadley
                                                  Mr M Connolly
                                                  Mrs I Chaytor
                                                  Mrs M Thompson

Mr W R Funnell
Mr F Symes
Mr H W Couldrey
Mr F Moffat
Mrs J Symes
Mr T M Butts
Mr S Leggett

A meeting was called for 21 May 1955 for all residents interested in the formation of a Golf Club to cater for Silverdale and surrounding districts.  

A committee of five, namely Bill Funnell, Tim Couldrey, Alun Tyler-Davies, Don Boocock and Keith McDonald, were appointed to investigate various suitable properties and report back to a meeting held in the Silverdale Hall on 20 June.  

Following the instructions of this meeting the sub-committee approached Mr Hansen with the intention of taking up an option on 71 acres of first class farm at a cost of 11,000 pounds. Mr Couldrey rose to the occasion producing a five pound note to bind the option.

A further option was taken on Mr Bridles’ 32 acre property, this time with a five pound note produced by Mr Funnell. 

A very favourable report was received from Mr H Babbage, (New Zealand’s foremost Golf Architect).  He advised the purchase of approximately four more acres from Mr Fred Moffat in order to facilitate the laying out of the course. A final five pound note, this time presented by Mr Alun Tyler-Davies secured the option.  Regrettably, at this stage, Mr McDonald found it necessary to tender his resignation due to pressure of business.

Land of the type on which the options were secured, was obviously too expensive to permit it being used entirely for a golf course, and it was considered that the only practical solution was to subdivide into building sections, land on the road perimeters, thus reducing the cost of the centre block.  

A sketch plan was drawn out and a scheme plan prepared showing 64 sections for sale.  Months of negotiations, legal delays and frustrations and many hours of work followed for the sub-committee.

A public meeting was called for Monday 8 December 1955 at 8 pm.  Mr Funnell took the chair and 39 others were in attendance.  Prior to the meeting, Mr Couldrey introduced Mr Funnell to Mr Butts as one whom he thought might be very helpful, having been Secretary at Cambridge Golf Club.  

In the years to follow Mr Butts played a major part, not just as Secretary, but also gave of his outstanding ability as an accountant.  It was requested that Mr Butts act as Minute Secretary for the evening.  Following the reading of the reports of Mr Babbage and the sub-committee, a motion was put and carried that a Club be formed on the areas mentioned in the report and that its name be the Peninsula Golf Club.  

Further, it was resolved that the present interim committee be constituted as a Board of Trustees for five years and that Mr Butts be elected as fifth member of this Board of Trustees.  At this stage a show of hands was called, for persons interested in joining the Peninsula Golf Club. Mr Couldrey suggested that the 21 persons interested be co-opted on to a committee whose first job would be the sale of the sections.  

It was resolved that all intending members be formed into a ways and means committee for the next six months. 

Mr Symes stressed the financial gain to be made by stocking the property with sheep and the meeting closed at 9.15 pm with a vote of thanks to Mr Funnell for his extensive work on the sub-committee.

The first committee meeting followed with Mr Funnell and 20 others.
It was resolved that Dr R G McElroy be appointed Honorary Solicitor and Mr T M D Butts be appointed Honorary Secretary/Treasurer.  It was then resolved that Mr W R Funnell be elected Chairman for the next 12 months.  A hearty vote of thanks was recorded for the work done by Mr Brewer as the Club’s Honorary Surveyor.

The following were the first committee members:
W R Funnell             President
T M D Butts              Secretary
D Boocock
H W Couldrey
A Tyler-Davies

Mr and Mrs S Arkle                                             Miss Hooton
D Bawden                                                           Mr A Kostanich
Mr Brewer                                                           Mr K McDonald
C Butterworth                                                      Mr A Rainger
Mrs Couldrey                                                       Mr P Rigg
J Crooks                                                              Mr F D Symes
Mr &  Mrs A Hall                                                  Mr B Williams
Mr E Hale                                                            Mr A Wilson
Mrs M Harris 

With the able assistance of Mr Couldrey a bank loan was arranged enabling the club to take up the options and pay sub-division costs.  

Many meetings were held early in 1956, these often continued into the wee small hours with every avenue to assist with finance, being thoroughly explored.  Committee members gave unstintingly of their time and resources, through a trying and difficult time.  

The first AGM was held in April 1956.  At this stage there were 161 members which increased to 193 - these were the foundation members of the Peninsula Golf Club.  

1956 was a year of many important events.  Purchase of the property was finalised.  In May and June, 287 sheep were purchased to stock the course, with the co-operation of Alfred Buckland & Sons Ltd who financed the entire farming operation.  

It was necessary to repair existing fences and erect new ones, the majority of this work being done by a small core of willing helpers.  

The sheep were a great asset to the club, which was due to the untiring work done by Mr F Symes, often late at night and early in the morning.  

It has been related that on one occasion one of our well known lady members, Ann Fitzgerald had cause to interrupt her game of golf to help a ewe give birth!!  

A temporary nine hole course had been laid down on the Red Beach side of the club’s property.  This was made possible only by the pioneering spirit, drive and enthusiasm of those early members who turned out with their home motor mowers, hay mowers, rollers, etc to carve out nine greens and fairways of sorts, ready for the big day - the opening of the course for golf on 13 April 1957. 

The barn on the Red Beach Road was made into a temporary clubhouse with a tar and sawdust floor and hay bales to sit on! This was converted to an adequate three roomed clubhouse complete with changing rooms, sink bench, counter, cupboards etc.  

There were 220 members by May 1957. Subscriptions were five pounds five shillings for men and four pounds four shillings for ladies reduced by one pound, one shilling for prompt payment. 

At this stage sales were completed for nineteen sections and deposits held for a further seven.  

At the first meeting and formation of the Ladies Club on 21 May 1957, Mrs Jessie Symes was elected the inaugural Lady Captain and Mrs May Thompson, Vice Captain.  Mrs Ethel Tyler-Davies the first Secretary-Treasurer and Handicap Manager while Mesdames Hall, Maire, J Bawden, Grant, D Bawden, Bindon, Leach and Cory completed the first committee. 

It was the continued support and hard work of members in every minute of their spare time which enabled the Club to have a full eighteen holes to play in 1958.  

Every conceivable form of farm machinery was offered and working bees included women and children who cleared sticks, stones and rubble.  Fences were removed, drains cleared. Fairways narrowed, miles of wire and posts shifted.  During this period, Keith McDonald became the first employee for a brief but strenuous period.  

The first old tractor was bought and Mr A Gemmell kindly gave the first motor mower which was expected to perform tasks not dreamt of!  

It was decided unanimously after much discussion to convert the cottage to a clubhouse and play the course from that end. The ladies painted tables and made curtains.  The first ball was held on 2 May 1958 in the Silverdale Hall and much enjoyed. 

The Club was fortunate to secure the services of Mr Rod Kriletich on a full time basis. His duties were divided between course development, course maintenance and farming operations.

1959 saw seven permanent greens down and ready for use in the season.  The return from sheep farming continued to show a substantial surplus due to the continued efforts of Mr Symes and the farming committee.  

This same year, Sir John Allum readily accepted the office of Patron of the Club and attended the closing day function assisting with prize giving.  

A considerable amount of drainage was being done at this stage as it was considered top priority. 

Mr Funnell represented the Club as delegate on the Auckland Golf Association.  The following year on his retirement from the office of President, Mr Bill Funnell was elected a Life member and in recognition of his services to golf was elected a member of the Eagles Golfing Society.  

By December 1960 further new greens and tees were in use and extensive tree planting was underway.  There were only sixteen sections unsold at this stage.

By November 1960, membership had reached 306.  Further improvements were made to the existing clubhouse as it was considered to be some time before a new clubhouse would be possible.  

For the first time the AGM was able to be held in the clubhouse.  Extensive course development work continued as did the successful sheep farming!  

During the year of 1962 Life membership was bestowed on Mr Couldrey, a valued member of the committee from the very beginning.

All permanent tees and greens were completed and extensive drainage was undertaken.  For the first time the Club entered a team in the Pennant Competition in the intermediate section.

In December 1966, at the AGM a draft plan for a new Clubhouse was presented and described. After some discussion it was moved that the meeting accept the sketch plan and the General Committee be authorised to engage a registered firm of architects to bring down drawings and costs, including earthworks and parking facilities.  Mr Sid Leggett gave invaluable help in earthworks and use of his machinery.  

On 3 November 1967 - Mr Bill Willis was employed as permanent secretary.  Trueman Builders Ltd. commenced construction on the new Club house in February 1968 .  By June that same year the men’s full playing membership closed at 380 members.  Mr Willis agreed to be called Secretary-Manager until the club was in the new clubhouse.

Many extra meetings were necessary at this stage of development dealing with finance and the new clubhouse as it progressed.

At a special general meeting in July 1968, after much discussion a motion was put forward and seconded that “Bonds be issued in multiplies of $10 at the ruling bank interest of 6.5% over a period of five years, the amount accepted to be left to the discretion of the General Committee.”

Mr Ray Moffat commenced his apprenticeship employed by the Club in August 1968. In November after an extremely busy year the new $65,000 Clubhouse was officially opened by Mr Funnell.

Among those present were officers of the NZGA and the ADGA, representatives of neighbouring clubs and approximately 300 members.  

The day marked the closing of the 1968 season causing Mr Funnell to remark that it was the first time in his experience that a Clubhouse had been opened and closed on the same day.  

The President Mr Frank Symes welcomed the visitors and members.  He read messages from the Hon W J Scott and Mrs Scott who regretted they were unable to be present and from Sir John Allum and Lady Allum, who likewise were unable to join the celebrations.  A telegram was received from Mr Bill Willis, the Club Secretary, who was recovering from illness but sent his good wishes.

Mr Symes extended a special welcome to Mr Funnell and to Mr A Tyler-Davies, another past President of the club.  He spoke in high praise of the part played by Mrs Nora Willis who had undertaken her husband’s duties while he was in hospital.

Mr Tom Bishop, Councilor on the New Zealand Golf Association Council, extended good wishes on behalf of the Association and the 74,500 golfers in the country.

Mr W Hurley, President of the Auckland District Golf Association, brought congratulations from the Association.  He said the Club now possessed a beautiful clubhouse packed with amenities.  

Mr Funnell was greeted with warm applause when he rose to speak.  He said that the privilege of opening the new building was going to afford him one of the greatest pleasures of his life.  Every step of the way had been hard going, he said when referring to the Club’s early days.  But what matters now is not the new Clubhouse itself but the spirit permeating the Club.  He hoped the fact that the Club possessed a new clubhouse would not alter the spirit of hospitality which abounded in the Club.  

He offered special thanks to the Ladies who had proved such stalwarts throughout the Club’s history.

He reminded members of the debt they owed to their President and said that, although his action was unconstitutional, he would be proud to nominate Mr Symes for honorary life membership at the next annual meeting.  Mr Symes had been a committee member for eleven years and President for the past three.

In April 1969, the Club suffered a great loss with the death of the Secretary-Manager Mr Bill Willis.  His early affiliation and service was invaluable and he was missed greatly by members and fellow workers.  

During 1970, the possibilities of a caretaker’s residence was raised.  Mr Boocock suggested that a plan for the course submitted some time earlier by Mr H Dale be left in the Secretaries Office for viewing.

Regrettably the death was recorded of one of the foundation members and early workers, Mr Logan Dye.  Mr T H Bawden was granted Honorary Membership.  The newly appointed Secretary was Mr R S Robertson.

By October the new putting green was being formed and the parking area was to be sealed.  Mr Doug Thompson was granted Honorary Membership.

Mr R Kriletich was congratulated on being runner up to the Grange in the Green-keeper of the Year Award.  Mr and Mrs Wilson were employed in the position of Custodian /Caterer/Steward and commenced on 1 March.  Mrs Bawden who was a foundation member resigned from the Club and was granted Honorary Membership. Mr F Moffat was unanimously granted Life Membership.  He had given 13 years of service in all offices.

A special meeting was held on Monday 19 April 1971 attended by approximately 80 members.  The President Mr Des Bruere gave details of the visit of Mr H Dale, Course Architect and later the offer by the Ministry of Works of 170,000 cubic yards of spoil etc which made the development urgent.  The new plan of the course was explained by Mr Bruce Small, Chairman of Course Development Committee.  

The members were asked to subscribe to bonds to finance a caretakers residence - cost $11,000.  A further meeting was held in June at which financing of the house was resolved.  The new earthworks according to the Dale Plan were underway and would be spread over three years.

In 1971 the Club was proud to announce the Green-keeper of the Year Award had been won by Mr Kriletich.  Honorary Membership was granted to Mrs N Willis.
There was a field of 150 golfers.  Unfortunately in July 1972 a letter of resignation was received with much regret from the President, Mr D. Bruere. 

Mr Small was invested as his successor for the remainder of the year.  Mr Bruere was thanked for his valuable assistance particularly over the previous eighteen months. 

A very successful Pro-Am Golf Tournament was held on 21 June 1972. 

The resignation of Mr RP Moffatt Assistant Green-keeper was accepted with regret and he was thanked for his services and advised that should he move back locally - he seriously consider returning to Peninsula Golf Club.

Members stood for a minutes silence at the AGM in December 1972 in respect of the passing of the Patron, Sir John Allum. 

Mr Aubrey Dyke was in attendance as Professional until his resignation in September 1973.

A special committee meeting was held in October to accept the quote to complete water reticulation to automatic sprinkler service to all greens. 

A successful professional 3 day tournament was held at the end of December 1973 co-sponsored with Hopper Bros Ltd.

Mr Jim Parkinson was appointed to the position of Club Professional.  It was resolved 10 May 1974 that Mr Don Boocock be made an Honorary Member. 

Mr Robertson retired as Secretary Manager at the end of 1973 and his vacancy was filled by Mr H G McFarlane. 

Men’s membership in June 1974 was closed at 450.

It was resolved lots of Stage 1 subdivision be offered for sale to members.  

Drainage work was carried out by green staff on the 5th  and 6th holes in 1975 to Mr Dale’s satisfaction.

1976 was the Club’s 21st   Year. 

In January 1977, Mr H (Tim) Couldrey was approached and graciously accepted the position of Patron. year.  A most successful tournament was held on 11 July and a fitting and moving speech given by Mr Butts, followed by a humorous address by Mrs Jessie Symes.

It was with much regret that the Club accepted Mr McFarlane’s resignation in June 1977.  He had served the Club very capably for three and a half years. 

Mr Ted McDougall, a great golfer and the present Secretary Manager, was selected to fill this vacancy. 

The same year, Mr Bill Martin was appointed Green-keepers Assistant and Mr and Mrs Flyger commenced as Custodian/Caterer//Steward.

In October 1977 a tender for sealing the driveway was accepted.

In recognition of his many services to the Club over many years, Mr Sid Leggett was granted Life Membership in January 1978.

Mrs Pat Noakes was the first Lady Member of the Club to be appointed to the Auckland District Ladies Golf Association.  She served on the Pennant Committee in 1978 and 1979 and on Management Committee in 1980. 

The uplifting of the Ancillary Licence made numerous changes in organization and produced many regulations to be reluctantly tolerated by members. 

In May 1978 Mr Laurie Noakes was congratulated for winning the Apprentice of the Year Award and December of that year was the completion of his apprenticeship.

Regrettably Mr Rod Kriletich resigned in January 1979 after 20 years of service.  The Club wished him well in his new venture. 

Mr and Mrs Jones were appointed Custodian/Caterer/Steward after Mr and Mrs Flyger tendered their resignation.

At the beginning of the year it was necessary to investigate the financing of a new green-keepers shed and a building committee was formed.  

The sudden death of Mr George Thompson was a sad event in 1979.  He was a foundation member and with his wife May, was one of the pioneer workers of the Club from its earliest days.

In February, Mr Norm Brown from St Andrews was selected for the position of Green-keeper and Mr Neil Graham commenced his apprenticeship.  

A green-keepers house was procured and in June delivered to a section overlooking the 16th.  It was ready for occupancy in August.

It was unanimously agreed at the close of the season in 1979, to grant Mrs Jessie Symes a Life Membership.  A foundation member and the first Lady President, her contribution to the Club was immeasurable over a long period of time.  Tragically it was only a short time later after that the members were to mourn her passing in March 1980, the loss of a dear friend to many.

After consideration in December 1980, the handicapping system was returned to manual operation rather than computerisation.

Mr A Tyler-Davies was granted Life Membership in December 1980, in recognition of his many years of service and association with the Club.

Opening Day was a notable occasion - Mr Couldrey the Patron of the Club, who kindly donated a flagpole and flag was called to “raise the flag” witnessed by a large gathering of visitors and member

  1981 TO 1996  

Committee  1996

Mr N Armstrong        -         President

Mr J Small                -         Vice-President

Mrs A Cambie          -          Vice President

Mr R Cooper            -          Captain

Mr G M Fairgray      -          Vice-Captain

Mr L Palmgren

Mr R Simson

Mr G McKay

Mr T Takirau

Mr B Fairgray

Mrs M Walkinshaw

Mrs A Lees

The Silver Jubilee in May 1981 was a memorable weekend.  A cocktail evening on Friday was a great opportunity to renew old friendships and chat with past fellow members.  Photos and articles were viewed with interest by the 300 - 350 who attended this happy occasion.  

The President Mr G M Fairgray officiated, aided by Mr G Gill the Convenor for the weekend activities.  The gathering was addressed by Mr Phil Francis from the ADGA and the Club Patron Mr H (Tim) Couldrey.

A Jubilee Ball was held in Orewa on the Saturday evening and a great night was capped with Jessie Bawden (the oldest surviving member) cutting a superb cake which was decorated as a golf course.  In recognition of her immeasurable service to the club from its foundation Life Membership was bestowed on Mrs May Thompson, a truly deserved honour.

There was an opportunity for past members to play a few holes or view the course at the closing function on Sunday.
The Club Patron Mr Couldrey presented a 25 year old bottle of scotch to the Club which was to be sealed in the bank vault and opened on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Club.

Mrs Wyn Vipond was a guest at the 21st birthday of the Viponds Cup competition, celebrated at Peninsula in 1981.  Also present were members from the 1st Viponds Team.  This was a great occasion and to the delight of the gathering Peninsula won the Cup from Whangaparaoa 11 - 7.

This year also saw the formation of a group of Senior Ladies Vets who were to play a nine hole competition.

In 1982, a new terrace was added to the clubhouse which provided a second exit to meet fire regulations.  The clubhouse was also refurbished.

A gardening group was formed, led ably by Inah Dickey.  The “gardening ladies” and Inah worked very hard, the results of which are evident today.  The Arkle Grove, a stand of native trees planted and nurtured by Don Arkle in the 1970’s have now matured and was an attractive feature adjacent to the old 16th tee.

It was decided to purchase a Harman garage to be used as a Junior room and this was positioned beside the practice green.  This later served as a trundler shed but eventually was moved to make way for the new putting green and practice facilities.

The Secretary Manager position became vacant with the resignation of Ted McDougall.  This position was ably filled by Ron Sherriff.  Graeme and Jocelyn Fairgray were appointed to the positions of Caterer / Custodian / Steward following the resignation of Mr and Mrs W Jones in 1983.

This year the club farewelled Norah Willis and wished her a well earned retirement. For many years Norah had worked tirelessly for the club in the office and made herself available whenever needed.

Life membership was bestowed on Mrs Ann Fitzgerald by President Mike Cambie. Ann was one of the pioneer foundation members who had contributed greatly in the early years.

The inaugural meeting of the North Harbour Lady Veterans Golf Society was held in July 1985 at Peninsula Golf Club.  Vera Leggett was elected President, Ivy Priestley Captain, Joan Hooker Secretary/Treasurer.  The clubs participating were Peninsula, Pupuke, North Shore, Waitemata, Huapai, Muriwai, Redwood Park, Warkworth and Wellsford.  Ivy Priestley was commended for the preparatory work she carried out prior to the forming of this group.

The North Harbour Veterans continued to grow from their formation by Frank Symes, A Bestic and Terrence Frogley in 1967.  These enthusiastic gentlemen were ably managed by Johnnie Walker and Jack Hutchinson in latter years.

A group of midweek men players were given an official competition day - firstly Wednesdays and later this became Mondays and Wednesdays.  In latter years there have been popular competition days on alternate Fridays, namely “Chicken Day” and the Aspinall Trophy.

Ron Sherriff resigned to move to South Auckland and Edna Harris held the position of Secretary Manager for approximately 12 months.   
After a short illness, Norah Willis passed away in hospital. Her personality and dedication endeared her to many members who mourned her passing.

1986 was a busy year for President Mr M Cambie and the Committee.  After much deliberation and consultation it was agreed to build the new Professional’s shop at the front of the clubhouse beside the main entrance.  This was completed and the area beside the first tee was landscaped and cobble stoned - a most attractive addition.

Mr Lance Read was appointed Secretary Manager in 1986.

Mr Michael (Mick) and Mrs Ivy Priestly volunteered to organise the 9 hole twilight competition run on Friday evening during the summer months.  This dedicated couple has given many years of service in many areas to the Club and they continued to run this competition for years to come.

Tragically the young Professional serving the Club, Mr Steve Tapp and his wife Annette were killed in a car accident returning from holiday, early in 1987.  The members were stunned and saddened at this great loss.  A memorial seat was placed on the 6th tee.

In July the Patron Mr H (Tim) Couldrey donated 7 Kauris and officiated at a planting ceremony between the 8th and 13th holes - known now as the Kauri Grove.  Further trees donated by him were later planted in the same area. 

Mr Dave Keown was appointed to the position of Club Professional and provided the Club with a coaching service and a well stocked shop.

Mr Peter Thomas returned to the office of President this year and was nominated as ADGA Personality of the Year - a deserved honour.

The Committee decided that photos of Past Presidents and Life Members should be displayed in the Club Lounge.   
Membership in 1988 was as follows:

Full playing Men                  350

Full Playing Ladies              237

Mid Week Men                    103

Non Playing Men                  34

Non Playing Ladies               50

Limited Men                          82

Junior Boys                           53

Junior Girls                             4

Later in the year a special meeting was called to inform members of the proposed rezoning under the Rodney District Council Scheme.  It was agreed that the Club should lodge an objection.  Jack Crew, one of our senior members, was asked to check the feasibility of the sale of excess land.  Much discussion and research continued throughout these years in regard to the selling of land and financing extensions and upgrading the clubhouse.

At the AGM, Mr Peter Thomas, retiring President and Mr J Houghton, another pioneer were accorded Life Membership.  Both had given the Club many years of service.

It was agreed to grant members who had been full playing members for 25 years and had attained the age of 65 years, a reduced subscription in recognition of their loyalty to the Club. 

Mrs May Thompson offered to collect and collate photographs of Club members and early highlights.  A most interesting album was produced.  Early in the year a Subcommittee for Planning and Development was formed, Mr T Phillips, the current President, Mr R Cooper, Mr G Gill, Mr J Crew and Mr N McLeod.  Sketches of the proposed extension plan were displayed.

Ken McKenzie was appointed to the position of Secretary Manager.  At the same time it was with sadness members received the news of the sudden death of former Vice President and Course Committee member, Mr Peter Harvey.

To celebrate his birthday, the Patron, Mr Couldrey, donated a fountain to be installed in the dam where it could be seen clearly from the lounge.  Once again, this generous gentleman reminded the members of the wonderful view enjoyed from the clubhouse.

Minutes were received of a meeting held in June at the Waitemata Golf Club regarding the formation of the North Harbour Golf Association.  This was not formed at this time but was to follow a few years later.

It was decided that the Club should become a financial member of the New Zealand Golf Foundation supporting the promotion of junior golf throughout the country.

Mr Dave Keown approached the Club to hold a tournament on Anzac Day.  There was a large field of golfers and Mr Keown continued to hold this extremely well organised event each year.  It became a highlight of the Peninsula Golfing calendar and remains in place today under the auspices of the current professional.

Mr Bruce Lee was appointed as Secretary Manager following the resignation of Mr Ken McKenzie in March 1990.

The Committee authorised the purchase of a large television and video to enable members to watch sporting events.

The Club mourned the loss of Mrs Win Vipond, a great lady who funeral was attended by members from Helensville, Peninsula, Warkworth, Wellsford and Whangaparaoa. These Clubs continue to play a round robin interclub event for the Vipond Trophy and it is as keenly contested now as it was when it first started.

New bunkers were installed.  This work which commenced in May, was completed in November 1990, and received many favourable comments from members. Sale negotiations   were being conducted and a sale agreement was signed on the Red Beach property. Discussions continued on extensions and in August interested parties were invited to submit quotes.

Members were saddened at the sudden death of Mr Bob Seal a stalwart of the Club for many years.

Mr Graeme Fairgray offered his services to organise a Midweek Wednesday Tournament once a month.  His offer was accepted and these tournaments attract many members and visitors and are still a very popular event. The tournament, previously a men only event has now been extended to include women players.

A computer for accounting, membership and handicapping was purchased. Alterations to the Club House kitchen and bar areas were put in place and Mr Allan Walker was appointed to act as Clerk of Works for the building extension.  His services were greatly appreciated and his assistances and knowledge sustained the Club through some difficult times.  This gave us better facilities in these two areas, extended the dining area, and gave us another exit required under the fire regulations.

A change to the Custodian/Caterer/Steward contract was agreed with G & J Fairgray continuing as Custodian/Bar Managers and Joy and Julie Hayson appointed as Caterers in April, 1991.

After many farewells from all sections of the Club, Mrs May Thompson, Foundation, Life Member and past Lady President moved to Rotorua to be near her family.  Mrs Thompson had worked tirelessly for the Club for many years and her presence was missed greatly.  Before her departure Mrs Thompson presented the Club with the photograph album she had compiled.

It was decided to purchase 4 motorised golf carts for use on the course and paths were laid and the bridge widened to accommodate these.

Mr Peter Thomas, Life Member was appointed ADGA Delegate.  He carried out his duties in this position most ably.

It was suggested   that the Committee investigate the Board of Management as an alternative to the current Committee system.  On a show of hands it was decided to adhere to the present system.

The passing of Mrs Elsie Francis was mourned.  Mrs Francis was the wife of past President Mr Ken Francis, and it was she who donated the embroidered sea horse, the club emblem, which hangs in the clubhouse.

At a Special General Meeting in 1991, attended by 120 members, the Club constitution and rules were updated.

Mr Ted McDougall was appointed incoming ADGA Delegate and was aptly nominated for the Golfing Personality of the Year.

This was the first year the Ladies Committee organised a fun day to coincide with the running of the Melbourne Cup.  The event has been celebrated each year since.  A most enjoyable social evening follows the day’s golf.  In the following years the ladies Social Committee contributed to the success of many occasions.

Mr Ian Penney and Mr Barry Davison were commended for their great efforts in seeking sponsorship, a necessity for today’s sports clubs.

For her contribution to the gardens on the course, Mrs I Dickey was granted Honorary Associate Membership.  The gardens have added immensely to the appearance of the course. Mr Jack Crew, a member of recent years, contributed greatly to the Club.  He made himself available to attend to numerous minor jobs and helped with many voluntary projects.  He organised the building of the summerhouse in the centre of the course aptly nicknamed “Crew’s Cabin.”

At the AGM, in recognition of his many years of service to the Club, Life Membership was bestowed on Mr Ray Cooper.  The members present endorsed the Committee decision wholeheartedly.

The Clubhouse extensions were officially opened in May 1992.  Mr Couldrey officiated and also unveiled the new bell he donated for the occasion.

There was considerable interest in the formation of a North Harbour Golf Association. A meeting instigated by Michael Cambie under the auspices of Peninsula was called in May and held at and supported by Sport North Harbour whose office was in the Old Northcote Council Buildings.  

The initial meeting in August was well attended by the fourteen clubs invited and they were unanimous in setting up a steering committee to progress the formation of a North Harbour District.  After guiding the steering Committee, Mr Michael Cambie was nominated and appointed as the inaugural President.  It was noted that two past Presidents of the Club, Mr P Thomas and Mr M Cambie, were to attain the position of Presidents of the NHGA and the ADGA respectively in 1994 and 1995. Mr Cambie has a long association with NHGA and was latterly Convenor of Selectors. 

Mr Couldrey presented a trophy to the NHGA to be called the Couldrey Trophy.  It is presented for the Men’s Champion of Champions Teams Event. The Ladies Club informed the NZLGU of their intention to join the NHGA and in December the inaugural meeting of the Women’s Delegates to the NHGA was held.

Members joined together to farewell Mrs Inah Dickey on her departure, to live in Australia.  Inah had contributed much over the years as a House Committee member and as Convenor of the gardening group.

The completion of the new trophy cabinet made an attractive addition to the entrance foyer and looked magnificent filled with trophies.  The Ladies Committee and Patron, Tim Couldrey contributed to this.

A new path with rubber inset was laid from the 1st tee in 1993. 

Mr B Ogilvy was nominated as Sportsman of the Year.  Mr J Crew was selected to represent the Club at the Volunteer of the Year Awards.

At the AGM in 1993, Mr G Fairgray was granted Life Membership for his great contribution to the Club, despite his growing health problems in later years.  This was acknowledged by the Members with a standing ovation.

Mr D Morris resigned as Caterer and Club Captain to take up a position at the Taupo Golf Club.  Mr and Mrs Wilcock were appointed caterers in 1994.

Mr Couldrey donated $1500 towards a new flagpole, which needed replacing.

Early in the year Mr Graeme Fairgray who had suffered numerous heart attacks underwent a heart transplant operation.  President Mr J Begley asked members to pray for his recovery when making this announcement in the Clubhouse.  After a remarkable recovery, Mr Fairgray returned to the position of Custodian/Bar Manager, which he held with his wife Jocelyn.  

With the permission of the Committee, Graeme and Jocelyn set about organising a Charity Tournament which was held in December of 1994.  Their every spare moment for this year was spent seeking sponsors, contacting and inviting television and sports personalities to participate and arranging goods for the auction.  They were assisted by a Committee, Mr Ray Biddick, Mr Peter McDermott, Mr Don Turner, Mr Sherman Corser, Mr Barry Davison, Mr Lars Palmgren, Mr Michael Cambie, Mrs Sandra Betts, Mr Mike Honey, Mr Bob Beachen and many members.  The tournament raised $35,000.  This was an amazing day with 300 golfers playing in the tournament.  

An estimated 800 people participated in the Gala day which was a huge success, a truly memorable occasion.  The funds raised were used to produce an educational video for the benefit of prospective transplant patients and their families.  A donation was also made to the Organ Donor Programme for the Kidney Foundation. 

A second computer was purchased with new software to run Ladies and Men’s handicaps. With increasing numbers wanting to play on Saturday, the major playing day for men, two tee starts were trialled and worked so well that we still use that method of starting today.

The Ladies locker room was re-carpeted and refurbished.  This was achieved by the tremendous effort from the ladies of the Club who raised the funds and worked extremely hard.  It was evident that the men members were very willing to offer their services voluntarily to help with this project and likewise with the coring of the greens.

The committee investigated the possibility of a Board of Management for a second time. It was agreed unanimously to remain with the status quo.

Stage One drainage on the 3rd hole was completed and a new path between the 12thand 13th holes was laid. Members were pleased to see the front of the 9th green raised. The path between the 8th and 9th holes was laid - a welcome safety addition.

Regrettably Mr D Ball, Course Supervisor, resigned in March 1995, to commence his own business in Albany.  He was farewelled in the Clubhouse by President Mr J Begley and thanked for his many years of service.  Mr Lionel Stone was appointed to the position.

Tenders were accepted for the alterations and additions to the Professional’s shop and a new Club Office.  These were completed in December of this year.

Ms Roseanne Ogilvy was appointed Caterer on the resignation of Mr and Mrs Wilcocks in April.

Concern was expressed over the state of the dam.  Major extensions to the dam to improve water supply and the desilting were carried out.  This resulted in the bridge between the 1st and 2nd holes being replaced by a causeway.

The car park repairs were carried out in September in preparation for resealing in the 1996 year. 

At the AGM an easement was supported, to be granted to the RDC to enable a firm of developers to build a retention pond to the right of the 16th fairway. The incoming committee was charged with negotiating this.

After a long illness Mr H (Tim) Couldrey passed away.  His foresight and generosity was much appreciated by the members over many years.  He was a Patron in the true sense of the word and his presence was greatly missed.  He and his wife Brenda’s frequent visits were a testament of their great affection for the Peninsula Golf Club and its members.  

One of Tim’s last bequests was a verbal history of the Club which has been saved digitally, he was very proud of what the Club had achieved and promoted us at every opportunity.

The Committee appointed Mr Graeme Fairgray as Tournament Director for the coming year.  Mr Coy Anderson and Mr G Fairgray were nominated for Volunteer of the Year Awards for 1995. At this function, Mr G Fairgray was awarded the North Harbour Volunteer of the year Award and following this was nominated for Administrator of the Year at the North Harbour Sports Awards.

In 1996, the dam extension and causeway were completed.

Mrs Susan Murphy was appointed Acting Secretary Manager in March, when the Club accepted with regret the resignation of Mr Bruce Lee, after 6 years of service.  Mr Lee left to marry and live in Australia.
The NZGA brought in changes to the method of calculating the course rating systems for both men and ladies, and was quite different in its approach.

The 40th Jubilee of the Peninsula Golf Club was a momentous occasion in May 1996.  A Mix and Mingle evening in the Clubhouse was greatly enjoyed by a large number of past and present members, with much laughter and reminiscing.  A Jubilee Cake was cut by May Thompson and Fred Moffatt, both Foundation and Life Members of the Club.  On the Saturday evening, a 40th Jubilee Ball was held in the Orewa Community Hall – an opportunity to celebrate in true “Peninsula” style.
In 1996 the course records held were:

Professional             Dave Keown             65        in 1990
Amateur                   Chris Treen               65        in 1986
Ladies                      Polly King                  70        in 1985

In July 1996, the Course Committee suggested that a new plan for the course be investigated as the Dale Plan was now 20 years old. It was decided to form a committee to produce a Strategic Plan for the Club.
A Special Meeting to be called in October 1996.

Ladies fees were to be increased gradually, in order that parity may be introduced between ladies and men’s subscriptions.

In August 1996 work was done on the formation of a new Constitution.

The Club members continued to enjoy many social functions  Trivial Pursuits Evenings, Casino Nights, Melbourne Cup Days, St Patrick’s Days, also Picnic Days and Charity Days all of these due to hard working social committees. Through the years, members of the club continued to offer as volunteers whenever or wherever they are needed.

In 1996 Fred Moffat was approached to accept the role of Patron. A fitting tribute to a member who had been one of the “pioneers” of Peninsula Golf Club.

Membership in October 1996:

Full Playing Men                             391
Full Playing Ladies                         190
Full Playing Business Ladies           52     
Rebated Full Playing Men               24
Rebated Full Playing Ladies           16
Midweek Men                                110
Ltd Members                                   82
Junior Members                            120
Senior Veterans                              10
Life Members                                  10     
Social Members                                6
Honorary Members                           4

Total                                            1015

At a Special General Meeting in October 1996 a motion was put, to rescind the current constitution. New rules were notified and were passed by the majority of members.  

The old ‘Committee’ structure was replaced with a Board of Management and a Golf Committee and the next AGM.  

The Board’s role was to look after the assets of the Club and the Golf Committee was charged with the running of golf for our members.  This enabled better governance for Peninsula which by this time was a huge asset and provided a sound structure to move forward.

February 1997 saw the appointment of Bryan Meade as Secretary Manager after the resignation of Susan Murphy, who had served the club most ably.

The decision was made to have a separate starting facility, which could monitor both the 1st and 10th tee.  A contract was negotiated with Dave Keown, the Professional, to man the Starters Office with completion of building to be December 1997.

9 Hole Golf was introduced nationally for ladies and a group was formed at Peninsula in August 1997. This group which commenced with 20 ladies under the guidance of June Chetwynd and Doreen Hayes, who provided a very sound platform for this programme, became very popular over the years.  

They have their own competition and tee times during the week and we currently have approximately 120 members. They also have a District Championship and are represented at the Champion of Champions – 9 Hole golf is here to stay

In 1997 Michael Cambie was appointed as a North Harbour Selector.

In 1998, the resignation of the Club Professional Dave Keown was accepted with regret.  Shirley, Dave and family shifted to Gisborne There was an opportunity to farewell Dave at a presentation attended by many members.

At the AGM the constitution was changed to adjust the number of Board and Committee members. Thanks were given to Duncan Mitchell who had given years of service to the Club as Auditor.  It was with regret the Club farewelled Tony Phillips, an ex President and excellent ambassador for the club.  His work commitments necessitated his resignation.

A sub-committee was formed to assist with the Juniors. Sheila Taylor, a member of Peninsula Golf Club was appointed as the first Junior Development Officer for North Harbour.

A proposed format for a Twilight competition was produced for the season 1997/1998 and has proved to be a most successful venture with many participating over the summer evenings and enjoying the facilities in the Club House afterwards.

The building of the new 13th Tee was completed and was open for play at the end of 1998.

In September 1998, a contract with Golf Course Maintenance (GCM) was arranged for a trial period commencing on 1 December until 30 September 1999.  This continued for a short period until the resignation of one of the partners, when we went back to appointing our own staff once again.

In 1999, Mrs Ann Cambie was elected President of the Club, the first woman to hold this role, having been Vice President for a time under the old Constitution, and she held that position for two years during which time she also chaired the Board. It initiated a course that was to see other women take on roles both on the Board and Golf Committees outside of allocated gender roles.
In December, the Pitman Master Plan was adopted into the Constitution – with further significant changes to be agreed by resolution at Special Meeting/AGM.  

The Pitman Plan is the master plan for the proposed alterations for our course in the future and can only be changed by a majority at a Special General Meeting.  

This ensures the safety of the plan for the future and ensures that we continue to work to the one end result.  

1999 saw the rebuilding of the 1st Tee and the surrounding area which was most attractive.  

The first project of the Pitman Plan was the rebuilding of the 14thgreen.  

Approval was sought for resource consent for 15th and 16th holes and work was underway in March 2001.  These holes were in play by midwinter of 2002.

Equal subscriptions for Full Playing Men and Ladies was introduced in 1999 and for the first time all members had equal status.  It was decided to replace “midweek” status for men to “6 day status”.

It was agreed to sell the Albatross Rd property. Sale of the land between 13th - 6th tee and 10th green and 11th tee was considered and eventually both these parcels of land were sold and the money used to pay for the alterations to the course.  

The new Hospice will reside on what used to be the 10th Green and a new community overlooks the course on the hill off Whangaparaoa Rd.

It was with great sadness the club learnt of the accident and subsequent death of Mick Priestley. Over many years, Mick and his wife Ivy had devoted many hours to the Club in various roles.  Their love for the Club and the game of golf was evident by the numerous ways they offered their services.

Men’s changing rooms were given a much needed upgrade in 2001.

A new course rating and handicapping system was set up in 2000 which was based on the American system where player’s handicap altered at each course based on the slope rating for that course.  Diana Millbank and Margaret Watkins did a sterling job getting the new system up and running and attending to the updating of handicaps.

Our original website was set up and completed in 2001 and proves a valuable tool for promoting the Club and for advising members of notices, changes and start sheets. A new website is now up and running which is linked to our Dot Golf system

Stuart Reese our current professional commenced in December 1998 after spending many years overseas playing on the tour and then coaching in Sweden, and we are well served with his expertise as a well respected coach, a fact recognised by his PGA peers.

Work was underway on the new 6th and 13th tees as the next stage of the Pitman Plan development.

In 2002 the GCM contract terminated and Troy Harold was appointed to the position of Course Superintendent.  It was necessary to purchase major items of machinery at this time.

Much sadness was felt at the passing of our Patron, Fred Moffat in March 2002.  He was a district identity as well as a long standing and Life Member of the Club.  A tree which stood on the 14th fairway was affectionately known as Fred’s tree, and when it had to be removed due to deterioration, an equally fitting memorial to Fred was erected in its place.

Jack Houghton, who has been with the Peninsula Club since its beginnings, was asked and graciously accepted the role of Patron. Jack stated he considered it a great honour.

In April 2002 a Special Meeting was called regarding the sale of land and maintenance facility to the Red Beach Village.  Much discussion followed before it was voted that the Board proceed with investigations.

General Manager Bryan Meade resigned in August 2003 after 7 years’ service to the Club. At a farewell evening, the Club wished him well in his new undertaking in Wellington.

Phil Christie, was appointed General Manager in September 2003.

It was decided to create an e/mail data base to increase the ability to provide regular newsletters to members.

Jocelyn and Graeme Fairgray tendered their resignation, having held various positions within the club for 22 years. A farewell evening attended by many members was held in November 2003. In recognition of their long service, they were presented with a painting of the Golf Course commissioned by the Board and painted by noted artist Bill Luff.

Major construction was commenced on the new 17th and 18th holes. It was decided to remove the existing trundler shed.  A new practice facility and putting green was incorporated in these changes in Feb 2004. 

Due to extreme conditions these new holes were closed and were opened again at Easter 2004. 

The completion of major works across the course, on a new sewer line by Rodney District Council contractors, was completed in 2004 much to the relief of members!

April 2004 saw the website more interactive and included more regularly updated information pages.

The club house became ‘smoke free’ premises in June /December 2004 under new national laws on smoking in public places.

Rosemary Jennings was appointed to the position of Junior Director which she has held from 2004 - 2006. The programme she designed for our Juniors has resulted in the Junior Plus Award being given to Peninsula - a 1st for the Club. This honour is awarded by New Zealand Golf to the Club which has achieved a high standard in the management of the Junior Programme.  Rosemary, assisted by Karen and Peter Isherwood, Adrian Young and Ann Cambie, has set up a very successful junior programme which is supported by John Cook, ably assisted by Ron Shaw who have been instrumental in nurturing the Pee Wee group for many years.

A highlight of the Junior Programme is the Hopper Memorial Day which is played between Juniors from other Clubs and is a Team Event. A Trophy, has been donated by Vilma and Guy Hopper, long standing members of the club, in memory of a dearly loved son who passed away in his teen years. Guy and Vilma take a keen interest in this event and attend whenever possible.

In June 2004 a Business Plan Review was compiled - a high level strategy document. The final review was conducted. This is a blue print for Board, Committees, Staff and Service Providers and will provide the basis for progressing our Club in the future.

A very successful Charity Day Tournament was organised by Graeme and Jocelyn Fairgray in November 2004. A willing band of helpers formed a Committee and worked throughout the ensuing months. This resulted in sufficient funds being raised to purchase a Site-Rite machine which was of tremendous aid to Kidney Dialysis patients.  Despite his failing health, this demonstrated once again the amazing skills of Graeme to enlist members and public alike to give generously to a worthy cause.

A De-fibrillator was purchased and training held for staff and members who wished to be trained in its use. The funds were raised by the Sunderland Pennant Team during a Memorial Tournament for Geoff Pearson, who passed away suddenly. He was a Sunderland Pennant player, and Committee member who worked hard for the Club.

It was agreed that further construction and rebuilding of the course be put on hold until of land sales were finalised. 

Consolidation and maintenance of present holes was to continue.  

At a later date, after deliberation by the Board it was agreed that the next stage, being the 4th and 5th holes would need to be in conjunction with the lake system and associated pump station to cater for new irrigation which would be required for these holes.

Life Member and ex-President Graeme Fairgray passed away in January 2005 and was mourned by many members past and present. He had held various official positions within the Club as well as being a valued staff member, and was a member of the Eagles Society.  He was highly regarded and his contribution to the club was immeasurable.

The course had been presented in excellent condition for 2005. The winter was reasonably mild and consolidation of previous work has continued.

2005 was a year of great jubilation for the Pennant Teams, a magnificent effort for Peninsula Golf Club.  Sunderland, Rangitoto and Hibiscus Coast Teams successfully won the pennant for their Grades.  Club members awaited their return to the near full Clubhouse on that June evening to celebrate this momentous result, it had taken 10 years to win six pennant flags previously.  The Hibiscus Team has been promoted to the Nobilo Grade.  Although Sunderland had been beaten narrowly for the past 2 years, this was victory at last.  Rangitoto had won in 1994 and it was success again in 1995.

The purchase of a Leader Board & plasma screen for the Lounge was a much appreciated addition for the enjoyment of club members. 

A Spinning Jenny was introduced as a fund raising venture which is extremely successful in the Lounge on Saturdays and Monthly Open Days.

For the course approval was granted for the purchase of a de-thatcher unit which has improved the greens and reduced the amount of coring required.

In December the caterers Aisha and Bryan O’Donnell tendered their resignation after nine years of service. Their intention was to have “more time to smell the roses” and play more golf.  The Club thanked them and their staff member Jess, for the excellent service they had provided.

Anita and Richard Ransfield were appointed as caterers in December 2005.

Peninsula Golf Club acknowledged with pride our past Captain / President who had been instrumental in uniting North Harbour men and women’s golf, Ann Cambie. 

Since the inauguration in 1993, Ann had worked tirelessly to set up the new District and announced her retirement from North Harbour Golf in December, to become effective in February 2006.  She was farewelled with the accolades she truly deserved.

Planning was started in the latter part of 2005 for the very important occasion of the 50th Jubilee to be held in April 2006.This was a great milestone for the Club. Joan and Bill Earwaker, Foundation Members donated a set of hickory shafted golf clubs which have been in their family for many years. 

They have been beautifully restored and are arranged in a suitable display cabinet specially made for them and are displayed in the foyer.  This was a very generous gesture to commemorate the 50th Jubilee of the Peninsula Golf Club.

As part of the 50th Jubilee celebrations, the Bay Harbour Quadrangular between North Harbour, Bay of Plenty, Poverty Bay and Hawkes Bay will be held at Peninsula, with the 14 man teams of 10 senior and 4 under 19 players contesting the trophy in a medal match format.

Best Known Gross Rounds on New Course in 2005.

Professional        Red Tees       Stuart Reese             64        30 April 2005

Members:           Red Tees       Dean Sipson             66        19 March 2005

Men                    White Tees    Adam Preston           65        22 June 2005

Ladies                White Tees    Sandy Doherty          74       26 January 2005 (Unofficial as this course is not rated for women)

Ladies                Yellow Tees  Tracey Davies           71       19 February 2005  
                                                Christine Shin            71       25 March 2005


Mr W Funnell
Mr H (Tim) Couldrey
Mr M Butts
Mr F Symes
Mr F Moffat
Mr S Leggett
Mrs J Symes
Mrs M Thompson
Mrs A Fitzgerald
Mr P Thomas
Mr J Houghton
Mr R Cooper
Mr G Fairgray
Mr M Cambie


1956 - 1959               Mr W Funnell                       
1960 - 1964               Mr F Symes
1965                          Mr A Tyler-Davies
1966 - 1968               Mr F Symes
1969 - 1970               Mr F Moffat
1971 - 1972               Mr D Bruere
1973 - 1975               Mr B Small
1976 - 1977               Mr K Francis
1978 - 1980               Mr P Thomas
1981 - 1983               Mr G Fairgray
1984 - 1986               Mr M Cambie
1987 - 1988               Mr P Thomas
1989 - 1992               Mr T Phillips
1993 - 1995               Mr J Begley
1996 - 1998               Mr N Armstrong
1999 - 2000               Mrs A Cambie
2001 - 2003               Mr I Penney
2004 - 2006               Mr B Fairgray


1958 - 1999

1958 - 1961               Mrs J Symes
1962 - 1963               Mrs M Thompson
1964 - 1965               Mrs V Leggett
1966                          Mrs M Thompson
1967                          Mrs T Robb
1968                          Mrs D Austin
1969                          Mrs J Symes
1970 - 1971               Mrs H Smith
1972 - 1973               Mrs I Chaytor
1974                          Mrs L Stevens
1975 - 1976               Mrs I Chaytor
1977                          Mrs H Smith
1978 - 1979               Mrs M Thompson
1980 - 1981               Mrs P Noakes
1982                          Mrs P Begley
1983 - 1985               Mrs I Chaytor
1986 - 1987               Mrs M Hamblyn
1988 - 1989               Mrs B Harvey
1990 - 1991               Mrs I Priestley
1992 - 1993               Mrs J McLeod
1994 - 1995               Mrs V Hopper
1996                          Mrs J Beachen
1997                          Mrs M Walkinshaw
1998 - 1999               Mrs A Lees.  
(With the change to the Constitution, this position became redundant)



Mr P Kennelly                       Chairman
Mr M Cambie                       
Mr T Doherty
Mr B Larmer
Mr S Peters
Mrs Meralyn Radonich
Mr Bryan Fairgray                President

Mr Ian Farrell                        Men’s Captain
Mrs Vicki Lambert                Women’s Captain
Mr Bryan Fairgray                President
Mrs Sandy Doherty              Women’s Vice Captain
Mr Andrew Fellows              Men’s Vice Captain
Mr Melville Clements
Wayne Crawford
Mr John Davies
Mrs Adele Fairgray
Mr Mark Jolly
Ms Karen Osborne

NGHA DELEGATES                     
Mrs Vicki Lambert, Mr Wayne Crawford                          


Much time and effort has gone into the production of this history. We have endeavored to present an interesting record of the past 58 years of the Peninsula Golf Club. Special thanks go to Margaret Gill, Ann Cambie and Ian Farrell who have compiled the information.

Our sincere thanks must also go to the past and present members of the Peninsula Golf Club who gave their time and shared their memories.

Every effort has been made to present an interesting record of the past 58 years. For any omissions or inaccuracies please accept our sincere apologies.
