This page has been added to provide club members with a forum to investigate issues that are controversial and need to be discussed and debated.....

Do we really need a new identity when the Peninsula Golf Club already has a brand? 

Why do we need to pay outsiders to come up with a new name for the club? 

Are you still intending to seek members input into the naming of the club at Wainui?

The move to Wainui is a unique opportunity that we have been given to change our image to be more open and inviting to the public. 
The name Peninsula Golf Club has served us well for nearly 60 years but it might not be the best name to realise the potential at Wainui.

Since the response to this ‘hot’ topic soon became overwhelming, we have now dedicated a new page to this very contentious issue.



Will members be able to use their own carts at Wainui?

We will have a fleet of carts available at Wainui all with the same professional look to match the image of our golf course.

Why does is it appear that the simple option of permitting the use of members owned carts by those few who now currently do has not been considered?

The provision of ‘Grandfather rights’ restricting the use of member owned carts to only these few long time loyal Peninsula Golf Club members who may be on fixed incomes and who cannot play golf without using their own carts does not seem to be too big an ask.

Or does the 'image of our new golf course' now have to take precedence over the essential needs of a few of our staunch older members ?

From the Annual General Meeting of the Peninsula Golf Club held on 1st September 2015

11. Notices of Motion

That the Annual General Meeting of the Peninsula Golf Club held on 1 September 2015 adopt the following recommendations:

Notice of Motion: For those registered owners of Golf Carts who wish to continue their use at Wainui, be allowed to do so until such time that their carts are relinquished or sold. A monthly fee for power etc being agreed to.

Proposer: John Cook,  Seconder: Frank Butler

This Notice of Motion was narrowly defeated when voted on by those members who attended the Annual General Meeting.

The Board correctly argued that when the matters of compliance with Occupational Health and Safety legislation within NZ, plus insurance liabilities were weighed up, it did render the use of private motorised Golf Carts at Wainui untenable.

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