Monday 22 June 2015


We have taken the opportunity to make use of this online 'Blogger'  facility to reach the widest possible audience in our endeavour to accurately record and document the past and ongoing history of the Peninsula Golf Club.

Initially we have looked back over the previous 60 years, then continued forward from March 2008 which was when the totally unexpected surprise proposition was made to Peninsula Golf Club members to swap their Red Beach property for an all new 80 hectare purpose-built golf course and clubhouse at Wainui.

This mammoth undertaking was eventually achieved in August 2016, when PGC members finally got to exchange  the now more and more valuable 44 hectare golf course prime real estate land at Red Beach for their purpose built new golfing facility at Wainui. (The PGC site had been re-zoned in 2013 under PLAN CHANGE 159 to enable up to 520 residential units)

View>>> PLAN CHANGE 159

In times past, any historical narrative about a Golfing Club would probably have been constrained to whatever content could be included in a printed book that may have also contained a limited number of pertinent photographs. 

Unfortunately, printed books and their contents will always have somewhat limited availability. 

Also, printed books do not permit any easy facility to add important new material as and when it becomes available.

By utilising this 'Blogger' online format, it will allow us to be able to add unlimited numbers of additional items, photos and videos in the future.


The history of the Peninsula Golf Club’s move from Red Beach to Wainui after nearly sixty years most certainly needed to be recorded for posterity.

Any background information and other details also need to be archived for ease of future reference.

A prime aim of this website is to provide an easily accessed up to date 


relating to PENINSULA GOLF CLUB's move to Wainui, also to provide club members with an option for meaningful discussion and debate.

Sometime back in 2010, quite suddenly and certainly without any prior warning or explanation, all items relating to the PGC move to Wainui were mysteriously censored by being expunged from the PENINSULA GOLF CLUB's members forum page.  

Regrettably, the Peninsula Golf Club's official website now no longer supports that nor any other 'MEMBERS FORUM'

Hence another aim of this blog site is to once again provide PGC club members with an avenue and opportunity to get involved in rational discussions or debate.

The various pages …. “COMMENTS:”… 
will provide all club members a chance to share their reasoned and balanced opinion to any discussion or debate with regard to the pending move to Wainui.

Obviously all comments will need to be subject to scrutiny by moderators prior to being published.

It is probably now timely to remind Peninsula Golf Club members that the OFFICERS OF THE CLUB are all volunteers who generously commit significant time, effort and expertise to ensure ongoing success for the club.

Since the move to Wainui was first proposed in March 2008 the workload of these willing volunteers has increased exponentially. 

Their determined efforts to secure the Peninsula Golf Club's long term future, despite having to deal with many unanticipated problems, should be acknowledged by all members of the club.


Many thanks to those who have assisted in launching this website venture. 

It is intended that this website will become a collaborative effort, hence you are invited to make constructive inputs. 

Please forward your contributions to COMMENTS 

or email them to


In order to reach the broadest possible audience of Peninsula Golf Club members we did write to request that the PGC's Board of Management send an email copy of this website link to all of their members.

Subject:  New website:   PENINSULA GOLF CLUB..... MOVE TO WAINUI

7 August 2015

The Chairman
Board of Management
Peninsula Golf Club Inc

Dear Mr Kennelly

In times past, any narrative about a Golf Club was often limited to what could be recorded in a book that may also have contained a few historic photographs. Unfortunately, such books will always have quite limited accessibility, plus they never did provide for any opportunity to add new material.

We have seized this chance to record the history of the Peninsula Golf Club going forward from when the promise of an all new facility located at Wainui was made to PGC members in March 2008. This online format will allow us to use unlimited numbers of photos and videos and may also provide PGC members with easily accessed two way communications.

We also believe that the unnecessary aggravation that on occasions has tainted the crucial project to relocate the Peninsula Golf Club to Wainui needs redressing.

Some of this irritation may simply be as a result of inadequate or at times non-existent two way communications between the Peninsula Golf Club members and their elected Board of Management.

Regrettably, the Peninsula Golf Club's website now no longer supports any useful discussion or debate facility. This essential amenity was once available to disgruntled PGC members back when their website did host a 'MEMBERS FORUM' page.

Sometime back in 2010, suddenly and without any warning or explanation, all items relating to the shift to Wainui were unaccountably expunged from the PENINSULA GOLF CLUB's members forum page, then a little later the entire 'MEMBERS FORUM' page also mysteriously disappeared.

As this ideal avenue for meaningful discussion and debate has been eliminated from the website we have now taken steps to provide a viable alternative in the form of…..


The surprising number of page hits we have already received before this website is officially launched may indicate that the need for this type of online forum could be long overdue.

As we have stated within this website....

The page …. “COMMENTS:”…. will provide all PGC club members with an opportunity to share their balanced inputs to any conversations about the move to Wainui.

Obviously all comments will need to be subject to scrutiny by moderators prior to being published.

Published inputs will be restricted to bona fide financial members of PENINSULA GOLF CLUB.

Note….. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted for publication

No inputs containing inflammatory, derogatory or libelous comments will be published.

We are hopeful that the Management of PGC will enter into the spirit of this new online facility and will contribute wherever and whenever it could become useful.

In the future this website will also include more photo/slide shows plus videos from the ongoing construction at the Wainui site as it progresses.

The further expansion to new topics that could be included within this website is probably unlimited.

Our aim is to provide PGC members with easy online, one stop access to all matters relevant to their pending relocation to Wainui. 

In order to reach the broadest possible audience of Peninsula Golf Club members we are now writing to request that you, as the Chairman of the PGC’s  Board of Management, authorise the Secretary to email a copy of this website link to each of the PGC club members at the earliest opportunity.


After viewing the quite large content already included within this new website we are sure you will become appreciative of the untold hours of unpaid time and effort that have been spent in getting this useful online facility ready to be launched.

Thank you

Leonard G Mills


This update to the ‘HOME’ page was posted after having taken up an invitation from the PGC Board for me to meet with them on the evening of Monday 24th August to discuss our written request to use the PGC Email addresses data base as part of our endeavour to reach the widest possible audience of PGC members.

After vigorous discussion at this meeting the Board exercised their prerogative and said no, they would not collaborate with us to advise PGC members about the launch of this new website. 

The Board members stated that in their opinions this new online website venture was too negative, not helpful and was amateurish.

They also expressed concerns regarding there being too many websites about one venue as well as people who are not members having access to information they would rather keep between ourselves and our members.

Despite being disappointed (but not surprised) that the Board did not wish to support this opportunity to provide an online facility for PGC members to be able to robustly debate controversial issues such as the changing the name of our golf club, as a gesture of reconciliation and goodwill I did agree to their request to withdraw the 'Notice of motion' we had asked to be tabled at the AGM on 1st September 2015.

This ‘Notice of Motion’ was withdrawn to preclude an unhelpful and time wasting distraction at the 60th AGM.

In response to the Board's suggestion that our efforts and enthusiasm in trying to improve communications with PGC club members plus the archiving the PGC's recent  history may be useful in a proposed project, I have volunteered to assist the PGC Board whenever they believe I may be helpful.


For ease of access in the future, we suggest you 'Bookmark' this website link   

A simple GOOGLE search of the words PENINSULA GOLF CLUB MOVE TO WAINUI will also take you there.

FYI .... Anytime you come across highlighted text, clicking on it should take you to a related website link. (Sometimes it may take you to unexpected side stories)


The letter below is a copy of the the first official notice mailed to Peninsula Golf Club members to advise them of what has since transpired to be a "TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE" offer.
The original proposition was to swap the existing golf course at Red Beach for a brand new purpose built golf facility at Wainui, to be completed by May 2011.  

And to.... 

Remain on the current course until the new course is completed. Walk off / Walk on.



To: The Members of the Peninsula Golf Club (Inc)

At a meeting of those members eligible to vote at the ASB Stadium Tuesday evening (23 June 2009) 272 members cast a vote on the notice of motion before the meeting. 

In addition the Chairman held 126 proxies with a total of 398 members out of 580 voting.

Of the 398 members who voted 330 voted in favour of the motion and 68 against with no abstentions.

The result is of those who voted 83% were in favour and 17% against which is a clear indication that the members want to secure the future of the Club at the site at Wainui.

The progress of the proposal now rests with Peninsula Land Development Limited ("PLDL") who as a result of the yes vote have in place the funding to build the course at Wainui and to get through the plan change at Red Beach and the variation to the existing consent for the land at Wainui.

The terms of the various Contracts to be signed will now be finalised. 

There will be further information on the Clubhouse design and membership. 

On membership you will be consulted as it is important that the interests of the existing membership is protected and enhanced. 
We will use the website to update on progress.  There are to be regular meetings with PLDL and all relevant information on progress will be provided.

This is a momentous occasion in the short history of this Club and the next 4 years until May 2013 cannot come soon enough. 

It is time to look forward and not back.  

Again thank you all your patience and the messages of support and encouragement to the Board and the Management of the Club.


A quite pragmatic method of chronicling the evidence of the controversy that has at times tainted this most worthy venture is to provide easily accessed copies and references to the many newspaper and other articles that are available online. 

To simplify this aim, note the 'PAGES INDEX' column located to the right side of the page.


clicking on any of these topics will take you to that subject matter

See an example below....

Homes may Replace Golf Course in N.Z

5 Apr 2008

The rolling fairways of Red Beach's 44-hectare Peninsula Golf Club could become home to 600 houses.

Residents are alarmed at speculation a developer could swap the site for a new course, or buy the land to build on it. 

A letter sent to members on March 27 2008 by club general manager Phil Christie outlined an opportunity presented to the board. It includes swapping the site for an up to 80 hectare purpose-built course and clubhouse in Wainui. 

The site already has resource consent for a course and is about 10 minutes drive from the present course. There also is a substantial cash consideration. 

The Rodney District Council has been fielding inquiries from residents, some of whom have bought their sections from the club, fearing their house values would plummet should the plans proceed. 

"There is a high level of anxiety about the idea, and that is a major concern," Hibiscus Coast councillor Zane Taylor says. "The first the council knew of any plans was when it received a copy of the letter. It is just an idea and it may or may not go any further. But we will be watching carefully." 

He says the club has nothing to hide and the public would be kept informed. Club members were informed the company that presented the proposals had engaged a course architect to assess the Wainui site's feasibility, and once that was available the club would hold an information meeting. 

The Peninsula Golf Club was formed in 1957, the same year that the purchase of land at Red Beach was finalised. Sixty-four sections were included in a scheme which was to see them sold to fund the construction of the course.

Through the drive and enthusiasm of the 193 foundation members, 9 holes were opened by April 1957.
By 1958 a full 18 hole course was in play, albeit only temporary holes. It was to take until 1962 before the Club had permanent greens and tees. 

In 1970 Harry Dale, a well known golf course architect of the time, was commissioned to prepare a Course Master Plan. For the next 25 years this was to become the basis on which all course development was planned. 

In 1999 The Board of Management of the Club, whilst recognising the monumental efforts by volunteer members in the formative years of the Club, agreed that only a full course re-construction, which finally addressed drainage in a comprehensive and conclusive manner and provided for the upgrading of the course to one more in keeping with the expectations of golfers today, was practicable.

Chris Pitman, a golf course architect with an international reputation, based in Singapore, was commissioned to prepare a comprehensive Course Master Plan


Do you have any items or inputs that could help to contribute to the success of this online venture?

To send items suitable for inclusion, or to report obvious errors, omissions or necessary updates, please click on this Email address to contact us....
